New From Petersrow

New Series just published!

ACCOMACK COUNTY CHANCERY COURT CAUSES 1727-1805: These records were found in the attic of the Accomack County Clerk's Office in 1996 and were restored and scanned by the Library of Virginia. Petersrow published Volume 1 (1727-1782) a few months ago, and now the remaining four volumes--all transcribed by Gail M. Walczyk--have been indexed and published. See the catalog for details.

Recent publications:

THOSE BURIED HERE ... RED BANK CEMETERY. Perkins, Researched and compiled by John and Sandy Perkins. Price $39.00. CM001. ISBN Pending. 8-1/2 X 11, comb bound, with maps, a plot index and an every name index of over 2000 names. It includes those buried at Red Bank Cemetery, Marionville, VA, even those with no stones. It is a unique treatment that includes spouses, parents, children, and other pertinent information on the deceased. The epitaphs on the stones are also noted and a plot map and a plot index are included.

EASTERN SHORE DISTRICT COURT WILLS & DEEDS 1800-1806. Transcribed by Gail M. Walczyk. Price 39.00. ACC029. ISBN pending. Every name, place index, Comb bound, 192 pages. On the 12th of May the first District Court met at Accomack. This court had jurisdiction over the Counties of Accomack and Northampton on the Eastern Shore. This book contains wills, deeds, mortgages, recorded in Distirct Court for the years 1800-1806.