12 January 1799 - Drummond Survey - Transcribed by Gail M. Walczyk

12th January 1799 - This Day at the Request of Elijah Shay for Susanna a Negro Woman formerly Wife to Doublin Drummond Surveyed Eight Acres of Land it being a Remainder which land the said Doublin gave his Sone George, which land is Situate lying and being Near Mesungo (known by the Name of Gales Swamp) and bounded as follows(to wit) On the N.E. by the lands of Geo Bagwill late of Francis Litchfield, on the N.W. by the lands of William L. Lucas, on the S.W. by Galloping Ridge Road, and on the S.E. by the land of the heirs of James Hopman The plat and other particulares below
Parke Barnes DAC


_____. Accomack Surveyors Record Book 2, (1794-1799), 106.

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