Household 81- Daniel Mifflin - Contributed by Gail M. Walczyk
Daniel Mifflin's heirs

HH 81

Daniel Mifflin was noted in 6 Procession Districts in the 1795/96 Procession; Accomack Parish District 1, Accomack Parish District 2, Accomack Parish District 3, Accomack Parish District 10 and Accomack Parish Distirct 11. This is District 10 (Walczyk Processions: no page).

On 18 March 1793 Ann Roberts sold two hundred acres of land in this District to Daniel Mifflin (District Wills &c 1789-1799: 54). The deed in part reads ... being contiguous to lands of John Fitchfield on the South side, the lands of Jacob Taylor on the Westward, the lands of Comfort Warrington on the North, the lands of Thomas Baily Henry Hall and John Shay eastwardly and Southwardly & more particularly to be known by the legal and ancient bounds thereof being land which was part of the inheritannce of the said Ann Roberts in her maiden right . . . See DEED

On Decr 8th - 1796 this land was processioned. The procession in part reads: . . . George Fisher, Daniel Mifflin, Jno Poulson, Littleton Morgan, Stephen Bloxom, Stephen Bloxom Junr Scarburgh Bloxom, Levi Small & Crippen Johnson. Jno Northam, Natnl Bird, Heny Fletcher, Geo. Croswell, Arthur Watson, Solo Johnson, James Cropper present (Walczyk Processions: 23).

He died on 31 December 1795 and was buried in the Family burial ground (Wright Vital Records: 87).


Walczyk, Gail M. Accomack County Processioners Returns 1797-1816 . Coram NY: Peter's Row, 2004.

Whitelaw, Ralph T. Virginia's Eastern Shore A History of Northampton and Accomack Counties, 2 Volumns. Gloucester MA: Peter Smith, 1996.

Wright, F. Edward. Vital Records of Kent & Sussex Counties Delaware 1686-1800. Westminster MD: Willow Bend Books, 2001.

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