Abimelech Webb

Walczyk, Gail M., Northampton County Orders 1748 - 1751, Book 22, (Coram, NY: Peter's Row, p 93):

Abimelech Webb free Negro who stands bound by Recognizance to appear here this day to answer the Complaint of the Attorney for our Lord the King against him on Suspicion of his combining with sundry Negros in a Conspiracy against the White People of this County appeared accordingly.  Whereupon the Attorney for our said Lord the King and the said Abimelech were fully heard & divers Witnesses examined touching the said matter of Complaint. On consideration thereof the Court were of opinion that the said Abimelech is thereof guilty. It is therefore Ordered that he for such his offence do receive thirty nine lashes on his bare Back well laid on at the Common Whipping Post and it is said to the Sheriff that he cause immediate Execution of this Order to be done. And it is further Ordered that the said Abimelech after such whipping be committed to the Custody of the Sheriff of this County, there to remain until he shall give security in the Penalty of one hundred Pounds for his good Behaviour for the space of One year & a Day from this time. 

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