The Jamestowne Society
Register of Qualifying seventhteenth Century Ancestors for Accomack and
Northampton Counties
- Anderson, William (Burgess)
- Andrews, William (Burgess)
- Bagwell, Henry (Ancient Planter)
- Bagwell, Thomas (Burgess)
- Bayley, Richard (Burgess)
- Browne, Devereaux (Burgess)
- Burdett,
William (Burgess)
- Carsley, Henry (Muster of 1624/5)
- Charlton, Stephen (Burgess)
- Cotton, William Rev. (Anglican Minister)
- Custis, John I (Councillor)
- Custis, John III (Councillor)
- Custis, William (Burgess)
- Douglas, Edward (Burgess)
- Fisher, John (Eastern Shore Census 1623/4)
- Foxcroft, Isaac (Burgess)
- Graves, Thomas (Burgess)
- Harmanson, Thomas (Burgess)
- Harmar, Charles (Burgess)
- Horsey, Stephen (Burgess)
- Hoskins, Anthony (Burgess)
- Howe, John (Burgess)
- Hunt, Thomas (Burgess)
- Jenifer, Daniel - Accomack
- (Burgess)
- Johnson, Thomas (Burgess)
- Jones, William (Burgess)
- Kendall, William (Burgess)
- Littleton, Nathaniel (Councillor)
- Littleton, Southey (Burgess)
- Melling, William (Burgess)
- Neale, John (Burgess)
- Read, Edward (Burgess)
- Revell, Randall (Burgess)
- Robins, Obedience (Councillor)
- Robinson, Tully (Burgess)
- Roper, William (Burgess)
- Sanford, Samuel (Burgess)
- Saunders, Roger (Burgess)
- Savage, John (Burgess)
- Savage, Thomas (Muster of 1624/5)
- Scarborough, Charles (Councillor, Burgess)
- Scarburgh, Edmund, I (Burgess)
- Scarburgh, Edmund II (Speaker of
the House of Burgesses, Surveyor General)
- Smith, Richard (Muster of 1624/25)
- Stringer, John (Burgess)
- Tayler, Phillip (Burgess)
- Walker, Peter (Burgess)
- Washbourne, John (Burgess)
- Waters, William (Burgess)
- Waters, William (Burgess)
- Watkins, Henry (Burgess)
- Welbourne, Thomas (Burgess)
- West, Anthony (Muster 1624/25)
- West, John (Burgess)
- Whittington, William (Burgess)
- Wilkins, John (Burgess, Muster of 1624/25)
- Wilcocks, John (Burgess)
- Willcox, John (Burgess)
- Yeardley, Argoll (Councillor, Burgess)
- Yeo, Hugh (Burgess)
- Bennett, Richard (Nansemond - Burgess, Governor, Councillor)
Stith, John (Charles City - Burgess)
Thorowgood/Thoroughgood, Adam (Lower Norfolk - Burgess, Councillor)
- Yeardley, George, Sir (Councillor, Governor)
_____. The Jamestowne Society Register of Qualifying Seventhteenth
Century Ancestors. Richamond VA: The Jamestowne Society, 2004.
Courtesy of Nancy H. W. Garrett