Sukey Wilkins vs Peggy Wilkins et als - Dismissed 20 January 1807 - Transcribed by Gail M. Walczyk
Spelling remains the same.

vs Bill in chancery

To the Worshipful Justices of Northampton Coy in chancery humbly complaining sheweth unto your worships your oratrix Sukey Wilkins, that a certain Henry Wilkins father of your oratrix, was in his lifetime & at the time of his death seizewd & possessed in his own right of a certain tract or parcel of land containing seventy Acres, situate lying & being in the Coy of Accomack in Messongo Swamp & adjoining the lands of that your Oratrix's sd. Father departed this Life on the __ day of ____ Intestate possess of the afsd: land in fee simple leaving the following children, to wit, your oratrix George, John Peggy, & Nathl Wilkins, to whom the sd. land descended in [-----]. That sd. land is altogether unprofitable, there being no settlement upon the same, & from the lowness of it's situation impossible to be drained, so as to be so as to be cultivated & your oratrix hat been anxious that sd. land might be sold, as the timber upon it was all that was of any value, & that was dayly reduceing & your oratrix had hoped that a Sale might be effected without further trouble or delay - But now so it is may it please your worships, the sd. Children to wit George, John, Peggy, & Nathl Wilkins, are Infants under the age of twenty one & incapable as your Oratrix is advised of consenting or in any manner agreeing to a Sale of sd. land so as to be binding & obligatory on them without the aid of your Worships in chancery - In tender consideration whereof, & for that your Oratrix is remediless in the premisses save only by the interposition of a court of Chancery where matters of this kind are properly cognizable - To the end therefor that the sd. George, John, Peggy & Nathl Wilkins may have a gdn. appointed, that they may be compelled to answer truly to all the matters as above stated that a Sale of sd. Land may be decreed [-----] the law of this State is such case made provided & the money arising from sd. Sale be divided equally between the sd. parties that your Oratrix may be releaved in all & singular the premisses according to equity & good Conscience, & your Oratrix as in duty bound will pray &c.
Pitts pro Plt.

vs Supoe in Chan
Wilkins & al

1807 January 20th Dismist

Executed as commanded Novr 1806
Levin Y. Widner
for John Winder Shff

to be returned to {-----] Court

The Com:wealth of Virginia to the Sheff. of Northampton County, Greetings: we command you that you summon Peggy, George, John & Nathl Wilkins, Infants & heirs of Henry Wilkins decd: to appear before the Justices of Accomack Northampton County Court in Chancery at the Court house on the second monday in March to ansr. a Bill agt. them exhibited, by Sukey Wilkins; & this they shall in no wise omit under the penalty of £100 & have then there this writ Witness Thos. Lytt. Savage Clerk of our said Court at the Court house this 14th day of Novr 1806 in the 29 year of the Com:Wealth -
Thos. Lytt: Savage


_____. Northampton County VA Chancery Causes, 1721-1816 Sukey Wilkins vs Peggy Wilkins et als 1807-005. Local Government Records Collection, Northampton County Records. The Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia. Accessed 6 January 2009. <>

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